Monday, January 9, 2012

Heavenly Friends

Cuddly. Playful. Adorable. Rolly-Polly bellies. Clumsy legs.  Wet noses. Always content. 

You might guess that I am describing a flock (gaggle? herd) of small... babies at a daycare. But if you think wet noses and contentment don't always (but sometimes-HA!) fit them, you are right. 

Puppies. They are so awesome. 

Sure, some are better than others. They have to be training, coached, taught and molded to behave the way we desire. But as I was watching my wonderful little baby dog Sweet Justus the other day, I couldn't help but think... How awesome would it be to be a puppy? 

I don't say I desire to be a baby dog because people typically love them automatically and they are cute. (I have met some ugly puppies.) But I began to think deeper. Puppies and dogs in general seem to have all of the traits we desire as Christians. And unlike our continual struggles, it comes NATURALLY. 

Don't believe me? Let me explain my thoughts through the non-superficial traits I observed a few days ago from our pup. (NOTE: I know, I know... Like people, all dogs/puppies are different. This is a general overview of the general puppy population.) 

Dogs are Loyal: Puppies never doubt what we insinuate or hint at. As long as you are a decent pet owner, they have never-ending trust for us even if we don’t come through every single time. If I say the word "Treat" Justus is always has faith that I will give him one no matter what. I don't always. But he still trusts and believes, never forsaking. God never lets US down... He says The Word and it is a guarantee. So why should we doubt and allow our trust/loyalty to falter?

Dogs desire Closeness: No matter what size of dog you own, most of them desire closeness to their owners. Whenever he gets the chance, Justus loves to cuddle up in my lap or at my feet or wherever. He desires the warmth he gets from closeness to us. He wants the companionship and goes after it, every time. Shouldn't we constantly be on a quest to feel God's warmth, seeking out His companionship and desire closeness to Him always? 

Dogs possess attentiveness: All I have to do is make the pursing sound with my lips, barely touch Justus or sometimes even just look at him... and he is there. Dogs are incredibly attentive, always seeking, listening, searching for any hints of commands or a chance to please their master. How can we do the same with our relationship with God? 

Dogs Follow: If dogs have a good relationship with their owner, they will typically follow them... all the time. Sure, some do run off and get lost (I bet we the same thing with our relationship with God sometimes) but they always come back. Justus is like my shadow. To the kitchen, backyard, on walks, in the car, and he has recently even started waiting for me outside the shower. They are so in love and dedicated to us, they will go ANYWHERE we call them. Can't we do the same for our Lord? 

Dogs have a content heart: Puppies live a life of thanksgiving. They know to be happy about the small things. Some fresh food or water in a bowl, a simple "Good boy" (well done my good and faithful servant!) or experiencing the great outdoors with a best friend. They have a happy heart. Most dogs wag their tail to express appreciation. Oh, and let's not even get into how happy they get when receiving an above-an-beyond blessing like a treat, meat scrap or new toy! If they are excited about the "small things," why can't we swim in a sea of Thanksgiving with our heavenly father? 

Dogs wait expectantly: Not only do our dogs exhibit loyalty and dedication, but they always wait in faithful expectation. They believe what we say or promise, then wait expectantly for it. Justus has slept in a kennel downstairs for most of his puppyhood but has recently discovered the joy of sleeping in a people-bed. I told my husband good night the other day and Justus disappeared. He was upstairs. On the bed, waiting expectantly for the invitation to snuggle under the covers. What is stopping us from hopefully and expectantly waiting on the promises of God? 

Dogs give us unconditional love: This is self-explanatory. Dogs give this to us. Christ also gives us unconditional love. Shouldn't we return it? 

We can't physically become dogs. (Duh...) BUT we can learn from them. We should desire to have a loyal, seeking, attentive, close, content, expectant and loving heart towards our God like our puppies/dogs have toward us as owners. 

What is God spelled backward? Why DOG of course! How much do you love your dog? Do you have some of the same heart qualities towards God that your pup has towards you? I sure hope so.  Dogs are a heavenly friend and a gift given to us from God. Be thankful. Grow. Let's follow Our God-- He will never let us down and desires nothing more from us than faithfulness and unconditional love. Let God be your heavenly best friend in the form of a loyal, ever-present master. 

Following Him, 

"God will make you the head, not the tail; you'll always be the top dog, never the bottom dog, as you obediently listen to and diligently keep the commands of God, your God, that I am commanding you today." Deuteronomy 28:13

I would love to hear about your faithful four-legged friend. Share your comments here. 

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